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Second Line Family Dentistry Blog

How Long Does It Take to Get Dentures?

February 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — secondlinefamilydentistry @ 1:10 am

Are you missing teeth? One of the great things about living in today’s world is the fact that you no longer need to settle for gaps in your smile. There are several different tooth replacement options out there, including dentures. They can be lifechanging for people who are missing most of or all of their teeth. If you are thinking about getting dentures in the future, you should know at least a little bit about how the process works. Continue reading to learn all of the steps.


5 Ways to Maximize Your Dental Insurance Benefits!

January 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — secondlinefamilydentistry @ 9:58 pm
dental care to maximize dental insurance benefits

The New Year is here, which means that your benefits have renewed. Given that you pay monthly to maintain coverage, how can you maximize dental insurance benefits? A local dentist says it’s really simple. Keep reading to get 5 tips that will help you take full advantage of your coverage in 2021!


How to Transition Smoothly to Dental Implants from Dentures

November 21, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — secondlinefamilydentistry @ 7:17 pm

Dental implantIs it time for you to say goodbye to your dentures? They are lifechanging for people who are missing most of or all of their teeth, but there can still be a few downsides to this type of dental restoration. But with modern dental technology, they aren’t the only option. More than 3 million Americans are already reaping the benefits of dental implants. If you’re thinking about transitioning from dentures to implants, here are a few things you should know so the process goes as smoothly as possible.


Why You Shouldn’t Let Fear Stop You from Visiting the Dentist This Halloween

October 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — secondlinefamilydentistry @ 7:40 pm

Woman with dental fearOne of the most common reasons that people avoid going to the dentist for regular visits is dental fear. According to researchers, anywhere between 50% and 80% of adults in the United States have some level of dental anxiety, ranging from mild to severe. However, there are many reasons that you should seek dental care. Continue reading to learn why regular dental visits are so important and how sedation dentistry can help.


What to Expect at Your Dental Visit During the COVID-19 Pandemic

August 21, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — secondlinefamilydentistry @ 9:47 pm

Dentist wearing maskWhether you’re going to the grocery store so you can make dinner, connecting with family members, or working on furthering your education, COVID-19 has changed pretty much everything. This includes your visits to the dentist.  In order to keep you safe and reduce the possibility of spread in the office, your dentist has taken numerous precautions that limit the transmission of germs. Continue reading to learn exactly what you can expect when it comes to dentistry during COVID-19.


4 Reasons Summer Is the Best Time to Get Your Teeth Whitened

June 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — secondlinefamilydentistry @ 12:55 pm

Woman smiling with white teethDid you know that 48% of U.S. adults between 18-24 have untagged themselves from a picture on Facebook because they didn’t like their smile? But the staggering statistics don’t stop there. An additional 33% are unhappy with their smile, 36% believe better teeth would lead to a better social life, and 22% think their love life would improve with a smile upgrade. If unsightly stains and unpleasant discoloration is holding you back from truly enjoying your life, then there is no time like to present to opt for teeth whitening in Metairie. In fact, read on for four reasons why summer is the best time to do it!


3 Ways Your Dentist Can Correct Crooked Teeth Without Braces

March 27, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — secondlinefamilydentistry @ 3:16 pm

woman in black sweater with gap in front teeth

If you’re an adult with crooked teeth, chances are you’ve considered getting conventional braces. However, you also might feel like you’re too old for it to be socially acceptable. Don’t worry; your cosmetic dentist in Metairie offers three different options for you to achieve a straighter smile without having to have a mouthful of metal.


5 Easy Ways to Get a Happy, Healthy Smile

December 7, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — secondlinefamilydentistry @ 3:42 pm

Couple with beautiful, healthy teethA healthy smile means more than just a set of beautiful pearly whites you can’t wait to show off. Not only does taking care of your teeth make you feel happier, less stressed, and more confident, but it can also enhance your general wellbeing! Numerous studies have found that good oral health can boost your immune system and lower your risk of serious health conditions. The best part is that it’s easy to achieve and maintain a happy, healthy smile! You can improve both your body and your teeth with these five simple tips from your dentist in Metairie.


How to Keep Your ClearCorrect Aligners from Staining

November 13, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — secondlinefamilydentistry @ 7:18 pm

clear aligners on red background

If you have crooked teeth, chances are you’ve at least heard of ClearCorrect, the see-through aligners that allow you to discreetly straighten your teeth. Unless you tell someone that you’re wearing them, most people probably won’t even notice you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment. However, if your clear braces become stained, people will definitely notice. How can you prevent this from happening? Read on to find out.


ClearCorrect or Porcelain Veneers: Which is Best?

September 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — secondlinefamilydentistry @ 8:49 pm

woman in sunglasses smiling

Something has always felt a little off about your smile. A few of your front top teeth are crooked. You wish they would just be normal and straight, but you don’t want to go through the ordeal of wearing clunky awkward braces. Fortunately, there’s a solution. Actually, there are two – ClearCorrect and porcelain veneers in Metairie. Let’s take a look at both of them so you can figure out which one is right for you.


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